★ Welcome to the Faerie Tale ★
After not using any social media for 3 years, I realized that Neocities was exactly what I wanted.
The Tumblrpocalypse successfully purged me, thanks to the classic case of "LGBT content must be NSFW!"
Instagram doesn't encourage any content that isn't photos, when most of my desires are text-based.
Twitter has no customizablility, and is owned by a waste of oxygen, and "LGBT content must be NSFW!"
I was shocked to learn just how open Neocities was — it costs no money, has a fairly high file-size limit, free-reign with HTML, CSS, and JS, AND has an insanely cheap subscription to raise what few limitations it does have.
I don't know why, but I had been under the impression that there were a lot more barriers to having a Neocities site.

So, here we are!
I've noticed that I subconsciously take a performative attitude toward social media.
Ever since I was a preteen, no matter how hard I try, I become obsessed with the attention, the numbers, the status of it all. Obsessed to the point where I become paralyzed with the logistics, the methodology, the "tricks" to getting what I want.
With Neocities, it's much easier to ignore the 'social media' aspect of it. It took weeks to realize there was an activity page that lists the updates and comments on a certain site. I can't imagine many people browse the newsfeed like it's their Tumblr dashboard.
And to my observation, the most popular sites seem to be so popular because they have a lot to give. That is, they host many links to resources, host resources themselves, or create tutorials. And that is not a bad thing, nor is it their fault — people are selfish, and want for things, and those aspects combined with Neocities not necessarily being 'social media' means that the 'popularity' of individuals skews in that way.
And I enjoy that. I have no desire to curate my site for that purpose, and so there is no reason for me to desire the numbers that would come with it. This space is entirely mine, for me.

And that's all I've needed!
If you are here, reading this, I thank you for your time. Especially after I've already spent multiple paragraphs explaining why it's important for me to not care that you—or anyone else—are here.
I can't say what you'll find on this site. For the most part, it's my own rambling and things I like to look at.